A landing page equally split between your curated content from across the web and your linked Instagram posts. Connect audiences to all of your content with just one link.
Bridge all your online content and campaigns together with a short, smart URL and convert followers better. Wizlink is the launchpad to your latest video, article, recipe, event or contest.
No time to waste messing around with styles or colours. Choose your theme, edit text (and images maybe), then publish.
Paste the URL of your website and we'll use AI to generate your mobile landing page.
Create simple, CTR-focused, 2-pager (cards & posts) mobile landing page to convert your followers better.
Receive immediate feedback on the strength of your landing page and content with a weighting feature.
Run engaging campaigns while you focus on your business without having to worry about coding.
Gain valuable insight into your traffic and discover which content is performing with your audience.
No more messy or lengthy URLs, or forgetting to update your bio link. Share one short, dynamic URL.
From content creators to influencers and entrepreneurs. Whether it's driving affiliate sales, selling products, promoting events, or simply finding talents, Wizlink lets you grow your brand.
Easily convert your audience across different social networks with a single, short, smart link to your dynamic mobile landing page.